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September 2017 Pacific Newsletter

Important Dates

  • O’Connor Feis (9 - 10 September)

  • Australian National Championships (Adelaide) (25 September - 1 October)

Competition Entries

  • October Bun/Tus/Mean 1 (2nd Week September)

Class Changes

  • O’Connor Feis - Class will run to a different schedule on Saturday 9 September

  • Australian National Championships - NO CLASSES (25 September - 8th October) See below.


  • TBA - No Scheduled Meetings


O’Connor Feis

For all of those entered into the O’Connor Feis on the 9-10 September, timetable is attached. Best of luck to all of those dancers.

Class Changes - Australian National Championships

Please note there will be a two week break from classes for the duration of the National Championships and the week directly after. The last class will be held on Saturday 23rd September and classes will resume to a term 4 timetable on Monday 9th October.

We will be sending out details of the Term 4 timetable in the October Newsletter.

Australian National Championships - Information


We are looking to organise a team dinner for all of the dancers and families that will be in Adelaide for the National Championships.

The location will be the Buckingham Arms Hotel and it will be a smorgasbord meal for $35 per adult and $16 per child.

The dinner will be held on the Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night of nationals week depending on when we can get a book.

Could all families interested in coming along please let us know via email before the 8th September so we can make a booking asap.

Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony will be held on the Monday evening 25th September. Each state is preparing an item to showcase the evolution of Irish dancing in Australia over the past 50 years and from all accounts it is going to be a great evening. The ceremony is currently scheduled to start at 7:30pm.

50th Anniversary Golden Gala Ball - Saturday 30th September

The Formal Gala Ball will be held on the Saturday night and tickets are currently on sale on the AIDA Inc website.

Australian National Championships 2018 - Cairns

For the school's general information the 2018 Australian Championships will take place over five days between Wednesday 3rd to Sunday 7th October 2018 at the Cairns Convention Centre.


Contact us

All school related communication. Classes, fees, competition entries etc.

All PPFA related communication. Fundraising, social events etc.





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